Classes & more . . .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Photo of the day

Technically . . . I shot these on Friday but I didn't get a chance to look at them yet.  We had a touch of the Spring Fever and decided to take a short drive down to "the Cape".

The levy wall is long mural depicting scenes from history, Lewis & Clark, Trail of Tears etc.  It's really pretty cool.  Not sure where Cape Girardeau is?  Here's a map.

We had lunch, explored a few antique stores in the little downtown.  I had Coke with lunch but I'm not sure if I had the 3 cent plain or the 5 cent.

We took the long way home and stopped at an overlook.  Want to know where?  Sure you do, here's a map.
When traveling with a map guy you always take a picture of the maps.  And the food.

Plus if you are married to a geology/map guy you must seek out all geologic features.  This one was pretty cool.  Not all of them are trust me on this.

Now if you are travelling with me . . . you have to make a U - Turn if you see something cool on the side of the road.  Check out this little shed/garage.  It's decorated with bottlecaps.  Neat.

It was a fun little trip outside the city limits.  See you tomorrow.

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