Classes & more . . .

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Photo of the day . . .

It's the time of year when everyone's thoughts turn to ORGANIZING!  I seriously need to get in the Art Room, Scrap Room, Studio or whatever it's called these days and purge . . . so much stuff in a tiny space=I can't find a thing!  Anyway, I spent a few hours taking stuff out and this is the last pile or heap left . . . 

Wish me luck . . . it ain't pretty!


  1. Good luck, Sue!
    And happy new year :0)

  2. You go, Girl! It will feel so good to get everything organized again! (I am preaching to myself as well). :)

  3. Way to go girl. I am sure that it looks so much neater and you feel a lot better with the "excess" gone. My sister & I were just talking about getting rid of the clutter. There are things that I haven't used and know that I won't. They have to go. Thank you for inspiration.
    Happy New Year & Peace
